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An Open Financial System, on Bitcoin

The Liquid Network is a Bitcoin layer-2 enabling the issuance of security tokens and other digital assets. Execute trustless swaps using non-custodial orderbooks and protect your financial privacy through confidential transactions.

The Old, Restricted System

Liquid IconInefficient chains of custody

Liquid IconLimited market hours that favor certain time zones, creating missed opportunity

Liquid IconBanks and financial institutions issue credit to a select few

The New, Open System

Liquid IconUniversal and accessible 24/7, 365 days a year

Liquid IconDistributed network for permissionless P2P trading of financial assets globally

Liquid IconBitcoin technology for settlement of financial assets


The global reserve currency for settlement of financial assets.


The backbone of the global financial system of the future.

The Liquid security model for assets is supported by a distributed federation of the very best in Bitcoin.

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Explore how your business can leverage Liquid.