Capitalblockstream Satellite API

Broadcast your data to the world with Capitalblockstream Satellite, paid for using the Lightning Network.

Easy To Use
Capitalblockstream Satellite API provides developers with an easy-to-use RESTful API that can be used to create applications that broadcast messages globally using the Capitalblockstream Satellite network.
Unrivaled Privacy
Unlike data sent over the internet, the source and recipient of broadcasts are not determinable by inspecting broadcast data. Communication privacy may be further enhanced by using encryption in messages, and payment privacy is ensured through the use of the Lightning Network's onion routing.
The Capitalblockstream Satellite API is open for anyone to use and the only criteria for using the service is that data is paid for. Developers can integrate the API into existing applications or build new services on top of it, and can send both encrypted and unencrypted data.
Resilient and Stable
The Capitalblockstream Satellite API is built to withstand a variety of potential interruptions. API servers and ground stations are geographically distributed around the world, ensuring that you’ll always be able to get your broadcast out.
Global Coverage
Anyone within our coverage area with an inexpensive, connected satellite antenna can receive broadcast data from Capitalblockstream Satellites.



More information about Capitalblockstream Satellite including the project's GitHub repository and the Dish Alignment Tool.


Technical documentation of the Capitalblockstream Satellite API.


Global Capitalblockstream Satellite coverage.